Everything I Did in 2020

Sruthi Samraj
5 min readJan 19, 2021

No, 2020 did not go as planned. But then again, very few years have. Something strange and different has always happened. The reach of 2020 was just far beyond what anyone expected and it has left its mark on all of us.

I didn’t have the worries that a lot of people did, like my job, financial security, housing, food, family, and friends. It was stressful and anxiety-driven in its own way, but genuinely nothing I couldn’t cope with.

My approach to life has always been trying to deal with and worry about the things within my realm of control and change.

Everything else remains in the outreaches of my awareness (thanks Julie Walters for that phrase!) but it doesn’t invade my every day.

Almost everything I did in 2020 is similar to what I’ve always done before, with a few tweaks to adjust to my current lifestyle. It’s not radically different, to be very honest, and I settled into the flow so quickly that I’d be a fool to complain or be upset about it.

1. Reading: Books, Books & Books

I could spend hours on end with my nose in a book and not care about what goes on around me. It’s how I relax.

Books have been my constant companion for decades; I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t without a book.

Strange Planet on Instagram

This year saw me include a lot more non-fiction alongside quick reads pursued trusted old comfort reads, while I also delved into other mind-boggling ones.

I miss going to a library and walking past infinite shelves of words, but I’ve kept myself rather content with placing books on-hold online and visiting the library to pick them up; almost at the same frequency that I ordered books (from local bookstores, to be sure).

2. Learning New Things

a. Learning French

Having dabbled with French on Duolingo for the better part of two years, I decided it was time to take advantage of online classes and signed up for French lessons at the Alliance Francais!

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

The main deterrent in pre-COVID times was the timing of classes when I’d have to rush out from work at 5 pm and be in class by 6 pm. But now, with all of the lessons adapted to being online, they’re really fun!

Yes, I do miss out on the classroom social interactions, when we’d chat by the watercooler during a break, but it has been

b. Blogging about cooking/baking

I love the experience of cooking and baking in a kitchen, always have, and now can do it at a less rushed pace. I’ve tried out various new recipes, perfected old ones, and even started a food blog: A Millennial’s Cookery, to collate family recipes!

3. House Projects

I love sprucing up my living space and find I have lacked in it all these years because I’m usually traveling!

From putting up pictures — photos that I’ve taken over the years — to looking after houseplants, refurbishing and rearranging my office space to facilitate my working from home, doing a lot of cleaning and organizing of my 2-bedroom flat, my projects kept me occupied pretty much all the time!

I even bought my first Christmas tree to trim over the holidays just to add more cheer to my living space. And it felt good.

4. Exercising

As a swimmer, the loss of access to a pool made it all the more difficult for me to get my daily dose of adrenaline. I hate running, and doing only mat workouts or strength wasn’t really appealing to me.

In June, I caved and bought a Peloton. Since signing up, I’ve worked out every single day! I’ve become a better cyclist (spin) having built my much lacking lower-body strength. Though I’ve lost some of my arm-muscle definition, I’ve mostly stayed fit and active throughout the pandemic.

I’ve also taken to biking everywhere on a Divvy, the local bike-share system in Chicago, which is really convenient for errands and quick jaunts. They introduced an e-bike line that’s almost like riding a very low powered scooter and is perfect for the city.

5. Discovering the City

I love being a tourist in my own city, simply walking around and discovering hidden gems that I had never before paused to consider.

Photo by Sawyer Bengtson on Unsplash

My most beloved discoveries are woods a mere 20-min drive away, nestled between a suburban area and an airport, and a park just 2 blocks from my flat! The latter really annoyed me because I’ve lived in the same area for nearly 4 years and never knew about it!

A later discovery was an easier, locals-only path to the lakefront trail that has now become a frequent haunt for me on not-so-windy days.

After the initial terror in March of 2020, I think I’ve adapted quite well to a pandemic lifestyle. I certainly have the privilege of doing so and I’d be a fool not to take advantage of it. It’s played into my interests and well-being while also giving me a sense of satisfaction that I’m doing my part for others that do not have the same peace of mind that I can claim.

Do I wish things were different? Of course, I do. I would like my social life back where I can indulge in experiences like dining-out and travel without too much anxiety. But these are just add-ons to what truly keeps me sane, and I’m okay waiting to bring them back into my daily lifestyle.



Sruthi Samraj

City-dweller, swimmer, logophile, expeditioner, metal/classical music junkie, tea snob & career-technologist