Working From Home: Tips From Someone Who Hates It

Sruthi Samraj
4 min readMar 20, 2020

I enjoy being at home, don’t get me wrong, and can always find umpteen projects and things to keep myself occupied and energized. But, I dislike working from home. Though, in the past year and a half, mostly out of personal necessity, I chose to work remotely (from home in a different country/time zone) for a month, once every three months.

Now, barely a week after I returned to my normal routine of going to the office, current circumstances in the world, country, and city, I have once again chosen to work from home.

I have taken advantage of it in the past for personal reasons. Now, for reasons of public health and being a responsibile citizen, I acknowledge the privilige of having this flexibility. #staythefhome

We all have ways of coping with the flexibility and restrictions of WFH, and I have found a few things that have helped me in the past.

1. Follow a regular schedule as much as possible

Beginning from the morning alarm, sticking to your normal schedule helps you adapt to your environment better, and maintain some semblance of the new normal.

The trick is to keep your body on the same clock as your typical work schedule.

Whether it’s making breakfast, working out, walking the dog (check local restrictions!), stick to it. Naturally, now you have some flexibility, but try to keep distractions to a minimum and go about your business as you usually did.

Photo by STIL on Unsplash

I allow myself an extra half hour of sleep in the morning, but for the most part, try and keep to my schedule. Okay, there are times when I’ve dialed into morning calls in my pajamas and without having taken a shower, but I try not to make it a habit.

The one thing I really do miss, if my afternoon or evening swim. I’ve promised myself to make up for it by taking a pilates or yoga class online.

2. Set up a proper office space

This is vital. You’ve got to feel normal and engaged in the space you set up for yourself to work in. Whether it’s having your favourite pens, trackpad, chargers, squishy toy or notebook, make an effort to recreate the environment you have at your office desk, at home.

Unless it’s all the space you have, your bed and couch should be a last resort. If you want ideas, check Pinterest, you’re certain to find something that will suit your space and needs.

I alternate between my actual office space/guest room, dining area or my kitchen counter depending on the time of day, and my meeting schedule.

Things that assure my mobility

  • Laptop + phone + charger (doubles for my phone!)
  • Headphones
  • Bottle of water
  • Notebook

Moving every few hours also allows me to stretch a little and afford variations of natural light throughout the day.

3. Keep an eye on the clock

Everything becomes a blur, when one hour slowly eases into the next and suddenly it’s 7pm and you’re still chatting away with colleagues about work. Especially when none of you have anywhere else to be, no buses or trains to catch and no traffic to beat.

I’m constantly on Slack and Outlook while working and since it syncs my laptop and phone, those are my go-to tools for this particular activity.

  • Add reminders on your phone (remind Alexa/Siri!) or calendar to let you know when it’s time to take a break
  • Block break and lunchtime (or make use of ‘snoozing’ options) on your calendar as an ‘unavailable’ time
  • Get your working hours on the calendar (example: available from 8am — 6pm and stick to it!

4. Self-care

This is not about being presentable to your colleagues, it’s about keeping yourself motivated and in-check at all times.

Whether it’s doing up your hair and makeup, putting on clothes that aren’t sweatpants or pajamas and yet comfortable, or taking a bath instead of a shower in the morning (because, why not!)… take time for yourself. Anything that will make you feel ready to face the day and keep at it until you sign off.

  • Exercise and/or stretch throughout the day; if you can go out for a quick walk, do that! Even on your balcony, if you can.
  • Eat and hydrate regularly; try to avoid grazing between meals, though.
  • Nap if you need it, mid-day.

Naturally, my own schedule and rituals vary depending on the day, but for the most part, these are things I try to stick to. And so far, it has worked for me! Though, I will admit, I still long to be back in the office as soon as I can!



Sruthi Samraj

City-dweller, swimmer, logophile, expeditioner, metal/classical music junkie, tea snob & career-technologist